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Thematic visits on daily life in Antiquity

"Otium and negotium, work and leisure among the Romans"

“Work in Rome: salarium, peculium, proletarius”

"The Roman house: architecture, furniture and decoration"

“Luxury in the Roman house: architecture and decoration”

"The child, the school, education among the Romans"

"The world of childhood in Rome"

“Male and female costume in Roman times”

"Life in the countryside: agriculture, hunting and bucolic life"

“Medicine in Antiquity”

"The Roman baths, places of hygiene, health and sociability"

“Fashion and luxury in Rome”

“Roman gastronomy”

“Preparation and preservation of food in Roman cuisine”

"Marriage in Roman Antiquity"

“A typical day for a Roman citizen”

“The four ages of life: pueritia, adulescentia, juventus and senectus”

“Artisans and crafts in Rome”

"Dance and dancers in Roman Antiquity"

“The art of gardens in Antiquity”


Thematic visits on sculpture in Antiquity


"The female nude in Roman sculpture: beauty, femininity and frivolity"

"The male nude in Roman sculpture: beauty, virility and fragility"

"The Roman portrait between realism and idealization"

“The representation of the trophy in Roman Antiquity”

“Venus, the goddess of love in Roman sculpture”

"Roman bronze sculpture: subjects, materials and techniques

"Roman stone sculpture: subjects, materials and techniques"materials and techniques"

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